Community Spotlight

Life Coach Spotlight: Kerry Knowles

Get to know coach Kerry Knowles and her journey incorporating her practice as an EMDR therapist & Certified Equine therapist to coaching

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Coach Spotlight is our chance to shine a light on some of the amazing graduates of Lumia's coach training program! 

Name: Kerry Knowles



Kerry is a Catalyst for change as an EMDR therapist, Certified Equine therapist, and Certified Life Coach. She specializes in trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, and the art of joy & happiness. She is also an artist, wanderer, author, editor, lover of life and all beings great and small!!

1. What do you love the most about Lumia?

What I love most about this program is the unconditional support from day one. I felt welcomed into a community of people paving the way of positive change in the world. I found the program by first being a part of an online community where coaches from this community engaged in to help others. I began forming my relationships there and it did not take long before I knew that I wanted to be a part of this growing, yet tight-knit and loving community. We truly are better together.

2. How is life coaching complementing your therapy practice?

I am a better therapist because I have more knowledge of myself and how I engage and relate in the world. I intertwine coaching in my therapy practice often and it has truly been beneficial with moving clients forward when they feel as if they are stuck. Mostly, I now walk the walk rather than just talking the talk. I am a coach 24/7 in all that I do. People are always watching and coach training with Lumia has taught me the power of vulnerability and the strength in owning your story.

3. How has coaching given you the freedom to diversify your practice?

Coaching has helped me to push outside of the traditional therapy box. I hate being stuck inside four walls. I am now using animal-assisted therapies and taking clients off-site for groups and sessions. Before taking this course I would not have had the courage to suggest such things to my agency, but through this course, I found my voice.

4. How have you and your clients benefited?

My clients and I have developed deeper connections since I have become a coach. Clients often looked at me like the expert that would magically change their life. Now, clients look at me as someone willing to walk with them on their journey unconditionally which builds the therapeutic relationship faster. They view me as a human that may have some answers, but they learn very quickly they have their own answers and I am just there to help facilitate.  I am not conducting therapy, WE are having a therapy session. Therapy and coaching happen through me, I am a catalyst for the change they had within them all along.

5. How has the Lumia community impacted your confidence?

I am a coach 24/7 in all that I do. People are always watching and the course has taught me the power of vulnerability and the strength in owning your story. This community holds space for me in good times and in not so good times, which reminds me continually that it is okay to not be okay. My emotions matter and when I may be in doubt of that, my fellow coaches are never too far away. It is like having round the clock access to peer supervision along with unconditional positive support.

6. What would you say to a therapist interested in taking Lumia's coach training?

Stop thinking about it and just do it. The worst thing that will happen is you gain new knowledge and become a part of a community that will support you every step of the way. You will be lifted up when you fall down and hold your hand when you need it most. People will laugh with you and cry with you, stand with you and comfort you. The best thing that can happen is that you are finally able to spread your wings and fly amongst a community of like-minded people set out to change the world!

Ready to Become A Coach?

One of our values at Lumia is that we dare to be different. Our life coaches like Kerry ignore the expectations society tries to impose on them, and seek to live from their own truth instead. If you are ready to step into your power and you’d like a partner in the process, come check out Lumia Life Coach Training. Grounded in science, our ICF accredited program features authentic instructors, a robust curriculum, and business instruction to prepare you for liftoff.

Lumia Coaching: Vibrant community. Evidence-based life coach training. Lifetime support.

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Lumia is accredited by the ICF as a Level 2 Pathway Program. Want to learn more about the ICF credential requirements? Click here for further details.