Becoming A Coach

Is Life Coaching A Legitimate Profession?

Curious but skeptical about a career in coaching? Find out why coaching is on the rise, and what it takes to succeed in this growing industry.

Wondering If A Career In Coaching Is Legit?

It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is announcing that they’ve become a life coach. With an ever-increasing number of coaches out there, it's easy to feel skeptical. However, the truth is that coaching is a legitimate and effective field that can transform lives.

So, what's behind the rise of coaching? There are several factors that have contributed to the growth of the coaching industry over the past decade:

Demand for Wellness Services

The coaching industry is part of the broader wellness industry, which is valued at $4.5 trillion according to the Global Wellness Institute. As people become more conscious of their physical, mental, and spiritual health, they are looking for new ways to incorporate wellness into their daily lives. Life coaches provide support and guidance to individuals looking to improve their overall well-being.

Global surveys show that wellness spending is a top priority for people worldwide. Despite a tough economy, they’re increasing their spend. 

What’s shifted most profoundly over the past several years is the consumer, and what they perceive to be “true wellness.” According to the Global Wellness Summit’s Future of Wellness 2023 Trends report:

  • People are now more reflective 
  • They’re seeking science-based interventions and solutions
  • They’re less self-focused, and more concerned about each other and the planet
  • They want solutions that are meaningful and work

The Internet

The internet has made it easier than ever to start a coaching business with minimal overhead costs. This means that anyone who has gone through personal transformations can share their experiences and help others from the comfort of their homes. Online life coach training programs have also made it more accessible and affordable for individuals to make a career pivot and become certified coaches.

Desire for a New Way of Working

The traditional 9-5 work model is no longer appealing to many individuals. With the rise of the gig economy, people are looking for alternatives that allow them to leverage their skills, follow their passions, and build a more fulfilling career. Coaching offers the flexibility and autonomy that many of them are looking for.

"Freedom is the single biggest reason why I hopped the fence from being a therapist to becoming a coach. That was the fire that made me create my practice, and everything that I'm doing today. It's in that freedom that we find play." - John Kim, Lumia Coaching co-founder

Emphasis on Personal Development

Coaching is not just about solving problems; it's also about personal development. Many people today are looking to increase their fulfillment in life and reach toward their full potential. Coaching provides the support, structure and guidance they need to achieve those goals. Life coaches help their clients identify their strengths, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a growth mindset.

Flexibility in Coaching Models

Coaching can take many different forms, including one-on-one sessions, group coaching, and online coaching. This flexibility allows coaches to tailor their services to the needs of their clients and offer coaching in a way that works best for them. Online coaching has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing coaches to work with clients from all over the world.

Support for Entrepreneurship

Many coaches are entrepreneurs themselves and have experience building successful businesses. Coaching provides a platform for coaches to share their expertise and help other entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Coaches can help their clients develop their business plans, identify their target market, and establish their brand.

Collaborative Approach

Unlike consulting or therapy, coaching is a co-creative partnership that involves working closely with clients to achieve their goals. Coaches provide support and guidance, but clients are ultimately responsible for taking action and making changes in their lives. 

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Coaching has the potential to address all aspects of a person's life, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This approach recognizes that our values and goals are interconnected, and that addressing one area can have a positive impact on other areas as well.

Lifelong Learning

Coaching is a profession that requires continual growth and learning. Coaches must stay up-to-date on the latest research and techniques in their field and continually work on their own personal development. This commitment to growth and learning helps coaches stay relevant and effective in their work.

But what about the "cringe factor"?

While the coaching industry may have a reputation for being all fluff and no substance, if you’d like to become a coach that doesn’t make people cringe there are steps you can take to avoid that fate! 

Consider these tips to help you build a successful coaching practice:

How To Be A Trustworthy And Effective Coach

Get Certified 

Becoming a certified coach through a reputable life coach training program can help you establish credibility in the industry. Many clients are looking for qualified coaches who have undergone rigorous training and have demonstrated their expertise in the field. Look for training programs that are accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading global organization for coaches.

Curious about Lumia’s life coach training program? You can learn more here.

Specialize in a Coaching Niche

Choosing an area of coaching specialization, such as career coaching or wellness coaching, can help you differentiate yourself from other coaches in the industry. By focusing on a specific area, you can become an expert in that field and provide a customized approach to meet your clients' needs. This will help you attract more clients who are looking for specific solutions to their problems.

Wondering what options are out there? Check out our resource guide: 20 Hottest Life Coaching Niches

Deliver Value

To build a successful coaching practice, you need to deliver value to your clients. This means being clear about the transformation you are helping people achieve. Focus on the specific problem you are solving and how you can help your clients overcome it. Share your personal story and offer testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the results you can produce.

Wondering how? Check out our blog post: Don’t “Sell” Life Coaching - Offer Solutions Instead

Be Authentic

Authenticity is key to building trust with your clients. Share your personal experiences and struggles, and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Be genuine and show your clients that you care about their well-being. This will help you build a strong connection necessary to establish and maintain a long-term relationship.

Ready to learn more? Give this podcast a listen: Your Story Matters! How Telling It Can Change the Lives of Others

Coaching is more than a fad - it’s an industry that’s growing year over year because it works. And in the years ahead, professionals with a credible coaching credential will have a huge competitive advantage as opportunities in the $4.5 trillion wellness economy continue to emerge. 

Want To Be A Coach?

A lot of talented people like you dream of having a coaching business, but aren’t quite sure how to get there. We train and certify adventurous coaches, making sure you’ve got all you need to build a business you love and transform lives, on your terms. If you're ready to learn more, come check out Lumia Life Coach Training

Lumia Coaching: Vibrant community. Evidence-based life coach training. Lifetime support.

[Free Guide] 6 Steps to Start Coaching Today

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Lumia is accredited by the ICF as a Level 2 Pathway Program. Want to learn more about the ICF credential requirements? Click here for further details.